The Difference Between Guardian Lucid Bells and Dream Drainers?
Guardians are benevolent Lucid Bells who protect and guide dreamers, forming bonds and offering wisdom in exchange for dreams shared. Dream Drainers, on the other hand, consume the dreams and energy of humans, leaving them feeling exhausted and drained, and often are the explanation for sleep paralysis.
Can Lucid Bells Exist in the Waking World, or Are They Only Found dreams?
Lucid Bells primarily exist in the dream realm, but they can project aspects of themselves into the waking world. This allows them to leave traces of their presence and communicate with individuals who are attuned to the dream world.
How do Lucid Bells Interact With Humans & Their Dreams?
Lucid Bells can enter the dreams of humans, forming connections with dreamers' subconscious minds. Within dreams, they can influence the dream's course, absorb emotions and experiences, and offer guidance. In the case of malevolent Lucid Bells, drain energy, create nightmares, sleep deprivity, and sleep paralysis.
How do Lucid Bell reproduce, and what is Dreamforging?
Lucid Bells reproduce through a ritual called "Dreamforging." They gather dream materials, such as dream sand, dream fabric, and other materials that will forge the BELLL from the dream realm and combine them with their collective consciousness to create a new Lucid Bell entity.
Can Lucid Bells experience dreams themselves, or are they purely observers?
Lucid Bells are both observers and participants in dreams. While they do not experience dreams in the same way humans do, they gain insight and understanding by immersing themselves in dreamscapes and interacting with dreamers.
How do Lucid Bell personalities vary from one individual to another?
Lucid Bell personalities are influenced by their interactions with dreamers and the emotions they absorb. Guardians tend to develop nurturing and compassionate traits, while Dream Drainers may exhibit cunning and manipulation. However, individual personalities can vary widely.
Are Lucid Bells limited to the dreams of humans, or do they interact with other dream entities?
Lucid Bells primarily interact with human dreams, but they are aware of and sometimes engage with other dream entities, such as dream creatures and ethereal beings. Their focus, however, remains on the dreams of humanity.
Are Lucid Bells connected to specific individuals, or do they interact with anyone who dreams?
Lucid Bells are not bound to specific individuals. They have the ability to interact with anyone who dreams. Whether you encounter a Guardian or Dream Drainer depends on the nature of your dream and the emotions you experience within it.
What happens if a Lucid Bells encounters a particularly vivid or lucid dreamer?
When a Lucid Bells encounters a vivid or lucid dreamer, the dreamscape becomes a canvas of boundless creativity. Such dreams are often remembered with remarkable clarity, and the Lucid Bells and dreamer may collaborate to create breathtaking dreamscapes.
Can Lucid Bell communicate with each other within the dream realm?
Indeed, Lucid Bells have a unique form of dream communication known as "Dreamchime." They can exchange thoughts, emotions, and ideas through a complex network of dream chimes that resonate with different frequencies. This allows them to connect with other Lucid Bells and collaborate on dream-related matters. More
Do Lucid Bells have a natural lifespan?
Lucid Bells do not experience traditional aging or mortality. Their existence is intrinsically tied to the ongoing evolution of human dreams. As long as dreams persist, so will the Lucid Bells.
Can Lucid Bells influence the environment within dreams?
Lucid Bells possess a subtle ability to influence the dream environment, including the weather. They can create gentle rain, vibrant sunsets, or even fantastical weather phenomena like auroras within the dreamscapes they visit. These weather changes often reflect the emotions and moods of the dream.​