The Dreamer's Echo
​​Guardians of the Past
Throughout history, Lucid Bells took on various roles and responsibilities within the lives of dreamers. During the time of ancient civilizations, they were revered as symbols of wisdom, truth, and creativity. Artists sought their guidance, scientists their inspiration, and leaders their visions of a better world. Lucid Bells served as the very foundation for the dreams & ideas humans perceive. With this responsibility and power, Lucid Bells were now protectors of humanity's collective dreams. Always ensuring that the dream realm remained a source of inspiration and insight while being well protected. However, as the world changed, so did the dreams of humans. With the advancement of technology and the complexities of modern life, dreams became more fragmented and uncertain. As society advanced, humans grew more greedy, malicious, and vindictive gradually darkening their energy. Because humans became more corrupted, this corruption soon tainted the way of life for the Lucid Bells permanently. As more humans desired malicious things and emitted corrupted energy, Lucid Bells consumed the negative energy unknowingly. Unfortunately, as the energy corrupted the BELLLs, they soon became corrupted and their intentions with humans in the dream world growlingly became malicious. Now, there are Lucid Bells that haunt and prey on innocent souls where the dream and wakening worlds meet; the human subconscious.
​​The Darkening Dreamscape
In recent times, a darker undercurrent had taken hold in the dream world. Gradually, the dream world and the human subconscious grew more shifty, misshapen, and unclear to navigate. Humans that once used to be able to lucid dream, soon had no control over their dreams. As the dream world began to crack, Malevolent Lucid Bells known as Dream Drainers emerged. Their main drive and purpose were feeding on the fears and anxieties that plagued modern human dreams. These Dream Drainers left dreamers feeling drained and exhausted upon awakening; Ultimately casting shadows over the once-idyllic dream realm. As the negative energy of Dream Drainers began to grow, humans have been experiencing sleep paralysis, sleep depravity, an increase in stress levels and irritation, and more nightmares and fears coming to life. Humans, feeling the weight of their own fears and anxieties, began to fear the dream world and the Lucid Bells within it. As humans have had an increase in insomnia and fear of returning to the dream world, stories of Dream Drainers spread, and the guardianship of dreams became more perilous. Fortunately, there are still benevolent Lucid Bells that remain. They dedicate their lives to making the dream world, the once a positive and mythical realm, a peaceful space for humans again.
​The Present Struggle
In the present day, the balance between Guardian Lucid Bells and Dream Drainers hangs in the balance. Some Lucid Bells, driven by their desire to protect the purity of dreams and energy of humans, have taken up the mantle of Dreamsolei Angels. Dreamsolei Angels safeguard a sacred place within the dream dimension known as the "Dreamsoulei." This place is a wellspring of inspiration and creativity. It posses the positive energy of both humans, Lucid Bells, and the energy of almost all forms of life. Often times, sleep paralysis demons strive to taint it's aura and ultimately conquer the energy source. Its protection is vital for preserving the essence of dreams in both the Lucid Bells world and the human realm.
Meanwhile, dreamers find themselves at a crossroads, torn between the allure of the dream world and the fear of encountering Dream Drainers. The dream realm remains a place of wonder and mystery, where the chiming of bells heralds the presence of enigmatic beings that straddle the boundary between dream and reality. In this delicate balance, Lucid Bells persist, their existence forever intertwined with the dreams of humanity. As the world evolves, they continue to navigate the shifting dreamscape, adapting to the ever-changing desires and fears of the dreamers they encounter, their bell-shaped heads echoing the profound connection between the realms of dream and waking.
Other Facts & Information
Reason to Consume Dreams
Question: How do they go about consuming dreams & energy?
The act of consuming dreams is an essential part of the Lucid Bells' existence. It is their way of sustaining themselves and maintaining their connection to both the dream world and the waking world. Dreams are a source of energy and nourishment for them. Not only are they their primary energy source, the emotions and experiences contained within dreams provide them with a deep sense of understanding, wisdom, and enlightenment about humans and other living beings. To consume dreams, Lucid Bells utilize their unique and incomprehensible abilities. They enter a dreamer's subconscious and establish a connection with the dreamer's psyche. This connection allows them to absorb fragments of the dreamer's dream, taking in the emotions and experiences encoded within. This energy provides stability for the Lucid Bell and the dream world. Without this energy, as humans transverse through the dream world, they will endure extreme nightmares and sleep pyralasis events. This is due to the lack of postive energy exchanges that keep the dream world in tact. It's a symbiotic relationship, as the dreamer may receive guidance, protection from nightmares, wants and desires within a dream, smoother transistions from the dream state to wakining state, or insights in return, depending on whether they encounter a Guardian or a Dream Drainer.
Question: How do Lucid Bells reproduce?
Lucid Bells possess a fascinating method of reproduction, known as "Dreamforging," which is a profound ritual. During this ritual, they take elements from both the dream realm and the subconcious realm of humans, unique to each their own design, to create a new Lucid Bell entity. Ultimately meaning that characteristics the Lucid Bell will inherit from one dreamer will shape the Lucid Bell differently from another dreamer. The first step of this process involves the gathering of materials from the dream realm itself. Lucid Bells retrieve fine sand, representing the foundation of their bell-shaped heads, and delicate fabric, which will form the distinctive bow ties on their heads, from the dream dimension. These materials are imbued with the essence of dreams and emotions, making them vital components of the new Lucid Bells' identity. Once the dream materials are collected, the Lucid Bells convene in a sacred dream space within the human subconcious, where they combine their collective dreams, experiences, and emotions. With great care and unity, they shape the dream sand and fabric into a new Lucid Bell  entity. This newly created Lucid Bell inherits knowledge and wisdom from the combined consciousness of its creators, allowing it to adapt to the ever-evolving dreams of humanity. The "Dreamforging" process represents a profound connection between the dream realm and the waking world, ensuring the continuation of the Lucid Bells species while preserving the essence of dreams in their existence.
Dream & Mortal Realms
Question: Do Bell Lucid Bells only exist in the dream realm?
Lucid Bells primarily exist in the dream realm, but their unique nature allows them to bridge the gap between the dream world, the human subconcious, and the waking world. Their physical forms are native to the dream dimension, and they are most active and visible within the dreams of humans. In the dream realm, they can manifest as Guardians or Dream Drainers, interacting with dreamers and influencing their dreamscapes. However, Lucid Bells have the remarkable ability to project aspects of themselves into the waking world, albeit in a more subtle and ethereal form. This projection allows them to leave traces of their presence in the waking world, such as faint echoes of bells, vivid dream symbols, or fleeting glimpses in mirrors. They can also communicate with individuals who are particularly attuned to the dream world, often serving as messengers of inspiration or warning. So, while their physical existence is rooted in the dream realm, Lucid Bells possess a unique duality that allows them to have a presence in both the dream world and the waking world, making them truly extraordinary beings that straddle the boundary between reality and dreams.
Dreamsolei Dimension
Question: What is the Dream Solei Dimension
The Dreamsolei Dimension, often likened to a serene pool of water, is a profound reservoir that encapsulates the deepest desires, experiences, passions, secrets, fears, and the collective energy of dreamers and all life forms. It represents the delicate harmony between the waking world and the dream world. When a dreamer drifts into slumber, they partake in an intricate exchange of energy between these two realms. This dimension, much like a crystal-clear pool of water, holds an innate sacredness. Imagine it as pure and pristine, but also incredibly vulnerable. Just as an impure touch can soil the clarity of the water, so too can the Dreamsolei Dimension be tainted by the introduction of negative energy. This taint, once present, has the potential to ripple throughout the Dreamsolei Dimension and the entirety of the dream world. The consequences are dire, as it gradually corrupts the very essence of Dreamsolei Angels and Lucid Bells, twisting them into malevolent entities known as Dream Drainers. As Dream Drainers insidiously infiltrate and corrupt the dream world, they feed upon the energy of humans for their own gain. This parasitic relationship leaves humans vulnerable to a myriad of afflictions, including insomnia, stress, depression, nightmares, and the harrowing ordeal of encountering sleep paralysis demons. The Dreamsolei Dimension, while a wellspring of inspiration and wonder, must be protected and cherished, for its balance holds the key to preserving the serenity of dreams and the sanctity of the dream world.