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  • Writer's picturegh0sting Zzz's

#0008 | Lys

Golden bell with a prominent crack through the right side. Bow is black with grey to white fade, also carrying dark horizontal stripes that lead outwards. The mouth is a dark brown color, with no further accents or patterns on the face. Masterlist Number: #0008 Current Owner: R0tting_l3ttuce (Discord) Artist: R0tting_l3ttuce (Discord)

Traits & Features

Rarity: (Common Lucid Bell)

  • Ears (Bows): Traditional

  • Eyes (Holes): Traditional

  • Ribbons (Arms): Traditional

  • Feet (Hooves): Traditional

  • Body Type: Traditional

  • Tail(s): Traditional Optional Design Pieces - Glowy Ambience

Redesign History

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